Thursday, July 2, 2009

Chipping Sparrow

Hello Everyone,
Wow, I am sorry that it has taken me so long to post! I have been sooo busy this summer and have had so little time for photography (I cannot stand it!) and what ever time I have I never get anything worth sharing. The weather here is your typical summer here in Texas. The temperatures have reached a sweltering 104 degrees and things are getting very dry.
I have hopes of getting out for some shooting soon. Today I when I drove by the reservoir I could see a flock of waders in the shallow stream that flows into the reservoir, so I am very anxious to get over there and see what species they are and get some images. We will see...
So for now here is an image from earlier this year. This of Chipping Sparrow that visited my backyard. Unfortunately, the only place he perched where I could get a shot of him was on the feeder pole. So while not a perfect shot, I was still happy to get it.
I hope that I will have more to share with you all soon.

Specs: 1/500ths. - f/8 - ISO 200

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