Here is a image from yesterday of a white-throated sparrow taken at the nature center. My mom and I were just about to leave after a slow photography day ( plenty of birds but none close enough ) when we came upon a flock of white-throats making a lot of noise as they foraged through the leaves on the ground. They were very easy to approach, but were hard to get a good clear view of in the growth that they were in. They finally all took to a tree and went up and down the trunk looking for food and I was able to get a few shots. While the perch is not ideal, I was just plain happy to get a decent shot of one. Now that I know where to find them, maybe next time I will be able to get a better image with one on a good perch. For now, I hope that you enjoy this image.
Image Data:
1/1250 | f/5.6 | ISO 1000 | Fill Flash + Better Beamer
click image to view larger.