Thursday, May 6, 2010


I managed to make it out to the reservoir yesterday evening to spend more time shooting the sandpipers, which were very uncooperative! As I made my way back to the car I heard some calling and approached where it was coming from and sitting on a barbed wire fence was this Dickcissel. This was my first time to ever see one up close and I was pretty excited. He/she was calling to about 2 other Dicksiccel along the fence.
Hopefully I can get some images of them on a better perch next time.

Image Data:
1/1000s. | f/8 | ISO 200
Canon 7D

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

White-Rumped Sandpiper

Here is a quick one before I head out for the the day. This was taken last week, same day as my two previous posts, at the reservoir. I got a lot of great photos of these guys and hope to get back for more before they move on. Hope you like it!

Image Data:
1/1000s. | f/6.3 | ISO 200
Canon 40D
Click image to see larger size!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lesser Yellowlegs

Here is another shot from the reservoir. I took this one on Thursday afternoon. There were two Lesser Yellowlegs foraging, this one was very cooperative! I am glad to see the shorebirds back and look forward to spending a lot of time photographing them this year.
Hope you like this one.

Image Data:
1/1250s. | f/6.3 | ISO 200
Canon 40D