I went out to the reservoir yesterday evening and was very pleased to find these 2 Least Sandpipers. I have not seen any shorebirds here for a few months now and was very happy when I saw them. They were very approachable and came within less than 6 feet of me! I took over 400 images of these guys alone, probably less than 100 after I have sorted through them all.
I also saw about 5 Pied-Billed Grebe's and two juvenile Green Heron's. I was unable to get photos of the Grebes and not very good ones of the Green Herons. I hope to get back out there soon, maybe even this evening, since the weather has been excellent. Things are starting to pick up at the reservoir and I hope to start seeing some early duck migrants soon. Anyway, I liked how in this shot the two Sandpipers had almost the same pose. Tell me what you think.
Specs: 1/1250th. | f/8 | ISO 400