Tuesday, June 16, 2009

House Finch

Sorry for not posting in a while Everyone! Not much has been going on photography wise. I have family visiting from North Carolina this week, and won't be doing any photography for the duration of their visit. I am hoping to make it out to the Fort Worth Nature Center on Monday and photograph the White Pelicans and Prothonotary Warblers that have been seen nesting under the boardwalk.
But for now here is an image from a week or so ago of a House Finch perched outside my bedroom window. Hope you like it!

Specs: 1/320ths. - f/8 - ISO 200 - cropped vertical

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Great Egret Pano

My Mom and I went to the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge on Monday in hopes of spotting a Painted Bunting, but we never did see one. But we did see a huge flock of White Pelicans, many different species of Herons and Egrets, Hawks and many others. Unfortunately, none of the birds wanted to have their photo taken! The best I came home with were two images of this Great Egret fishing. Towards the end of our trip we did find a really nice bird blind that the Nature Center built for birders. It is situated over the marsh, really close to all of the water birds, and has two platform bird feeders on each side of it on the bank. We did not see much, but this was where I did get this image, we only spent about 20 minutes there though, and plan on making that the spot we will spend most of our time at on our next visit. I cannot wait! Anyway, I kind of liked this because it included the environment and he had a fish in his bill. Let me know what you think!
BTW, to see the image better click on it to view a bigger size in a new window.

Specs: 1/125th. - f/8 - ISO 400

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Monarch Butterfly

While going through some images I found this one taken last September. I was at the reservoir and saw this little fella' perched on a reed. So I took this photo of it, not really caring much about how it turned out, and to my surprise when I uploaded it to the computer I really liked it!
The details really showed and I loved the colors, I couldn't be happier!
It figures I spend forever trying to get just one decent photo of any bird and come across this lovely butterfly and just snap a pic for fun, and it is the best thing I come home with!
Such is my luck... ;-)
Hope you like it.

Specs: Taken with my old Rebel XT
1/800ths. - f/5.6 - ISO 200